The Department derives its legislature mandate from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (section 27(1)(c)), providing for the right of access to appropriate social assistance to those who are unable to support themselves and their defendants. Section 28(1) of Constitution enshrines the rights of children with regard to appropriate care, basic nutrition, shelter, health care and social services. |
Constitutional Mandates |
The Department implement its Constitutional mandates in terms of Section 27(1), 28(1) and schedule 4 of the Constitutional of Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996
Relevant Court Rulings |
There is no court ruling that will interfere with service delivery. |
Planned Policy Initiatives |
The White paper on Family Policy is in the process of being concluded. |
Social Development Sector Negotiated Service Delivery Agreement |
The Department Social Development is largely guided by outcome 13: An inclusive and Responsive Social Protection System. |
Legislative Mandates |
The following National Legislation and Policy Documents form the Legal and Policy Framework being implemented within the Department:
Social Assistance Act (Act no. 13 of 2004) |
White Paper for Social Welfare (1997) |
Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act no. 110 of 1978) as amended |
Children Act, (Act no. 38 of 2005) as amended |
Probation Services Act, 1991 (Act no. 116 of 1991) |
Domestic Violence Act (Act no.61 of 2003) |
The Child Justice Act (Act no. 75 of 2008) |
Prevention of and and treatment of substance abuse Act (Act no. 70 of 2008) |
Older Persons Act (Act no. 13 of 2006) |
Advisory Board on Social Development Act, 2001 (Act no. 3 of 2001) |
Non-Profit Organisations Act, 1997 (Act no. 71 of 1997) |
Chlidren's Amendment (Act no. 41 of 2007) |
Sexual Offences Related Matters Amendments Act no. 3 of 2007 |
National Development Plan Vision 2030 |
National guideline on Victim Empowerment |
Limpopo Economic Growth Development Plan |
Policy of financial awards to service providers 2004 |
National Intergrated Disability strategy |
Disability policy 2006 |
Relevant conventions and agreements |
Population policy 1998 |
National Crime Prevention Strategy |
Minimum Standards for Residential Facilities on People with Disabilities |
Policy on Substance Abuse |
Family Policy |
Policy Framework on Orphaned and Vulnerable Children |
Broadening the social protection agenda |
Social assistance-grants |
Social security |
Social protection outside state - covering the informal sector |
Developmental social welfare services |
Household food and nutrition security |
Creating a future social protection system. |
The Key Priorities for this MTSF are: |
Reforming the social welfare sector |
Early childhood development provision |
Deepening social assistance and extending the scope for social security |
Strengthening community development interventions |
Establish social protection systems to strengthen coordination, intergration, planning, monitoring and evaluation of services |
During the period under review there were no policy developments and legislative changes |