Programme 1: Administration
- Sub-Programme: Corporate Management Services
- Provide integrated planning for implementing government electroral mandates.
- Develop and coordinate Departmental policies in line with national and provincial policy priorities.
- Provide human resource management and development.
- To provide information and records management services.
- Provide effective and efficient communication services.
- Implement effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation systems.
- To provide transformation and transversal services.
- Financial Management Services
- Provide capital planning, development and maintenance of infrastructure.
- Provide efficient and effective supply chain system.
- Risk Management Services
- Provide risk management services
Programme 2: Social Welfare Services Sub-Programme: Services to Older Persons
- To provide protection, care and support services within communities and institutions to 16 613 Older persons by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Services to Persons With Disabilities
- To provide protection care and support services to 5 000 persons with disabilities by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: HIV and AIDS
- Reduce the psycho-social impact of HIV and AIDS from 98 301 to 379 183 individuals and families infected and affected by HIV and AIDS by 2016/17.
Programme 3: Child & Family Services
- Sub-Programme: Care and services to Families
- Provide integrate services to 147 462 families by 2016/17
- Sub-Programme: Child Care and Protection
- To provide care and protection to 55 708 children in need of care by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: ECD and Partial Care
- To increase the number of children 0-5 years accessing ECD programmes and partial care to 230 000 by 2016/17
- Sub-Programme: Child and Youth Care Centres
- To provide care and protection to 55 708 children in need of care by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Community-Based Care Services for Children
- Provide care and support to orphans and vulnerable children from 98 301 to 379 183 by 2016/17.
Programme 4: Restorative Services
- Sub-Programme: Crime Prevention and Support
- To provide integrate developmental services to 18 705 children in conflict with the law by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Victim Empowerment
- To provide care and support services to 97 650 victims of crime and violence by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Substance Abuse, Prevention and Rehabilitation
- To provide prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services for substance abuse programmes to 32.8%(1 520 690) of the population by 2016/
Programme 5: Development and Research
- Sub-Programme: Community Mobilization
- To provide poverty reduction services to 25 000 vulnerable households by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Institutional Capacity Building and Support
- To build capacity for 10 000 civil society structures by 2016/17.
- To coordinate the creation of 15 000 EPWP work opportunities by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Poverty alleviation and Sustainable livelihoods
- To provide poverty reduction services to 10 000 vulnerable households by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Community based Research and Planning
- To provide poverty reduction services to 235 872 vulnerable households by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Youth Development
- To provide skills and empowerment programmes to 50 000 youth by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Women Empowerment
- To provide poverty reduction services to 20 000 vulnerable households by 2016/17.
- Sub-Programme: Population Policy Promotion
- To conduct 15 Population and Development related Research projects by 2016/17.
- To provide advocacy, and information, education and communication (IEC) on population concerns to 374 stakeholders by 2016/17.
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